Fantastic Entertainment
Eric Vanderburg

Eric Vanderburg

Eric founded Fantasy Entertainment in 2009 and works with the team as a game writer and producer. He is a Christian who strives to live like his Lord, Jesus Christ. Outside of Fantasy Entertainment, he works as an IT manager, author, and Professor. Eric has been involved in numerous web development projects as far back as 1993.

Eric has an interest in Medieval/Renaissance history. In 2008 he started work on a fantasy novel called "The Prevailing Palette". He has played a lot of games including many facebook games giving him an understanding of what makes a game fun.

Our Team:
Eric Vanderburg | Billy DaMore | Randall Smith | Christopher Bach


The creative team at Fantastic Entertainment is agressively working on the beta of their next hit game, Elven Quest. Check out the development blog for more details.